Saturday 8 November 2008

Getting to be a habit!

Now I have a part time job (who on earth said it was part time?) I seem to be running all the time and getting nowhere with my own stuff. I really do need to use my time better! Having said that I have just spent an enjoyable hour looking at others crafty blogs and must say some of the stuff I have seen is stunning! Oh and so very inspirational... now when will I get time to have a go? Perhaps I should set times for everything... but then I would have to stick with it wouldn't I? I am the kind of person who gets a diary and writes everything in it only to forget about 2 days later. One day I shall... please God!

I have some new embellishments for babies so I do want to make something up with those and then of course I need to get some Christmas stuff made up. I promised the girls we would make some traditional things like Christmas cakes and mincemeat but we still haven't gotten round to it. That is a must for this week. Haven't made any puddings in so long and I miss them to be honest even if I am the only one who eats them! I can feel the pounds going back on as I type! (Note to self... make use of the gym!)

I have decided I want a Bind it All. Was thinking of putting it on my 'Must have list' for Christmas but hubby takes the list and never refers to it so it is probably best to get it myself... now to decide whether to buy the pink or blue... anyone got any recommendations?

I would like to mention something I think is well worth participating in so here is a link to it. I found it on my travels this morning. I shall certainly be having a go myself.

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Good to see you blogging again, Lynn. You should definitely get a BIA - very useful - I've got the blue one (there wasn't a pink one when I got it).