Friday 16 November 2007

Made some cards....

Not many but a couple of new ones ready for the fayre next weekend at Weston Super Mare (see Kevin is fabulous and works really hard for us all so if you live in the south west of England check his site out... his Fayre's are well worth doing!) The bauble opn doesn't show up so well as everything is shiny and glittery but it is pretty (well I think so!;) ) The mask one is one of my stock ones but I ran out of silver card so used pink which I think worked well... The fayre will be a 2 day event and I am really looking forward to it. If your in the area do come and visit... I would love to meet you! I will be using the Midas Celebrations name as this is my card site.

The biggest problem we have now is with 3 dogs we don't have enough room for them to come with us so hubby has to take me and come home.... means I have to rely on the goodness of others to cover me if I need to 'leave the room' but they are all such a good bunch and are always happy to take care of my stall for me... aren't I a lucky bunny!

I got some beading stuff today and I am hoping to get it all made up ready... want to make some snowflakes and sun catchers... hopefully I will be able to sort my room out and make some up tomorrow... time will tell!

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Glad to see the workroom is coming on - hope hubby's back isn't going to be too troublesome. I love that mask!