Friday 9 November 2007

Now what?

So what else is going on here? Well the workroom is coming along.... snails pace is the operative phrase though! At least is is moving though and the floor joists have started to arrive! I have been very lucky and managed to get some Ikea bookcases (one of them the cube one) so have saved a lot of money! I shall spend it on something else! ;) (well you have to don't you!) I finally had had enough this week so I took a good long hard look at my workroom and decided to lose my cutting station. It has made a great difference though. Thank goodness! I really couldn't carry on as I was. I have missed being able to cut at will though and have been using the scissors a lot... why is it that even though it's only a small cut and you line the scissors up it goes skew whiff??? I made some Bookatrix cards for the fayres. I have enclosed piccies but my batteries were dead so they are scanned a look flat.... well they do get squashed in the scanner don't they! Other than that I have a real stonker of a cold and sinusitis so feeling pretty shabby at the mo... I am so glad I don't have a fayre this weekend! Have ordered some new beading stuff and I hope it will arrive in time for me to make some snowflake ornaments... time will tell on that one but I hope I can get it sorted before my next fayre.

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Good to know you got the bookcase - saved some money - more to spend on crafty things. Love the bookatrix cards. Hope the cold and sinusitis clears up soon - that's miserable.